Sunday, November 8, 2009

Such A Big Girl!

I am beginning to think I have upset someone and you know what, I honestly don't care. This is a first for me, normally I am attempting to figure out what I did wrong and now I just don't care. This really feels good, I didn't know it could feel this good not to worry about what others think of you. I suppose it would be different if the person was somebody I truely cared about and didn't want to hurt. But I don't believe I did anything to hurt this person and that they are just making something out of nothing.
Am I really beginning to grow up? I think I am! So another week has passed without hubby and it seems to be getting a little more difficult each week, I long for him to be home and able to help with our children. As for this deployment, there are so many rumors flying around as usual and my thought is their is always some truth to every rumor! I will let you know if any of the rumors have any validity when something happens!

Till Next Time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Burdens and Challenges

Tired and disgusted with this whole deployment and being left here in the States by myself to deal with three children. Today my 8 year old daughter came home and proceeded to lie to me about something which occured and I gave her several opportunities to tell me the truth. I don't know what to do anymore to get these children to realize I am not going to deal with their bad behavior. Then I went to the Y today and if you remember my story about the little boy who slapped my son while playing soccer, today the same little boy was strangling my child all while his parents sat their and watched their child do this. I honestly wanted to have it out with his parents. I did inform the coach that I couldn't take this any longer. My child shouldn't have to feel afraid to come to the Y. Hopefully this child does not attend class on Thursday. I was told if he did show up, then they would as him to leave.

I honestly just wish I didn't have to deal with this on my own. I want nothing more than to share these difficult and uncomfortable times with my husband.

In happier news my husband passed his promotion board and is looking at getting promoted to E-6 here very shortly. I am so proud of him and everything he has accomplished. I only wish I could share in his glory!

Till Next Time

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cleaning is necessary

So life has been hectic again and rather than blogging right now, I should be up cleaning my home. I can't even to stand to look at, I have let it go for way to long. I need to vaccum, mop, clean the bathrooms, kitchen, dining room and most importantly I need to go through everyone's rooms and begin purging! Yet I always put it off. I just wish I could keep in mind how much better I would feel once I have accomplished everything. In all honesty though, I just wish I had some help. It sucks having to do everything by myself. I suppose I should be use to doing it alone. Another week of loneliness has passed and I still have quite a few more weeks of loneliness to go!

Alright I am going to go begin cleaning and hope I may get distracted by my husband calling me.

Chat with you all later!